How many times H. P. Blavatsky said that new manuscripts, inscriptions, and other witnesses to the truth of the "Secret Doctrine" would unexpectedly turn up in future, as a few had already done in the nineteenth century! A fresh instance is now reported which may prove of greater importance than the archaeologists suspect, although they are profoundly interested in its contents. It may help to explain the mysterious resemblance between the Easter Island inscriptions and those on the seals recently discovered in India at Mohenjo-Daro, almost at the opposite ends of the earth, and separated by the width of the Pacific Ocean. It may also prove a far greater antiquity for highly civilized man than the few thousand years allowed at the present moment.
If we can rely on press reports, a Chinese manuscript has recently been found in a metal canister which had been buried in the ground on a spot which was afterwards covered by a portion of the great Chinese Wall. This accident preserved it safely until a Japanese bomb blew up a section of the wall and revealed the canister! Such are the ways of the Law! According to Professor Anthony Graeme and other scholars, it is almost another Rosetta Stone, and is proving to be the key to strange revelations. Our information is derived from the Sunday Referee (London), April 12th, which we quote in part. Professor Graeme is reported as saying:
When I showed the first translations to the late Sir Wallis Budge, of the British Museum, he said that the manuscript was of even greater importance than the Codex Sinaiticus. In the manuscript I find direct reference to the Laws of Manu, which were first written in the Vedic language 10,000 years ago . . . In this book it says: "From the plants life passed into fantastic creatures which were born of the slime of waters; then, through a series of different shapes and animals, it came to man." . . . We have also found — and proved — that in those days there was a distinct relationship between the people of India, America and China. We actually find reference to the ruined cities which have been found in the center of the Peruvian forests. It will be another year before the translation of the manuscript is complete. Then it will be given to the British Museum.
In regard to Evolution according to Manu, many scholars think this archaic writer taught modern Darwinism, based on mechanistic "natural selection, survival of the fittest," etc. We learn otherwise from H. P. Blavatsky:
Both Occult and Eastern philosophies believe in evolution, which Manu and Kapila give with far more clearness than any scientist does at present. — The Secret Doctrine, II, 259
And on page 600 of the first volume:
The day may come, then, when the "Natural Selection," as taught by Mr. Darwin and Mr Herbert Spencer, will form only a part, in its ultimate modification, of our Eastern doctrine of Evolution, which will be Manu and Kapila esoterically explained.
She also refers the reader to Isis Unveiled, I, 151, where the "Mundane Tree," the ancient widespread symbol of evolution, is discussed.
In many places in The Secret Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky mentions the knowledge of Atlantis possessed by the ancient Chinese, and scholars have never satisfactorily answered the problem of apparently strong Oriental influences on ancient American sculpture, etc. The recent discovery of a keystone at Monte Alban, Oaxaca, in Southern Mexico, has upset some conservative notions, as previously mentioned in these columns, but there are no doubt still more significant corroborations of the Masters" teachings to be found at the right time, as H. P. Blavatsky says. When the true history of mankind is revealed, it will enormously change the point of view of all thinking persons, but the revelation must come gradually and through methods recognised by science.
Discovery (London) for April reports that the body of a carpenter who had been missing from his home at Dedham, Essex, was discovered, after other means had failed, by a diviner who used a piece of the missing man's clothing attached to a copper wire as his "divining rod." The body was found in the bed of the River Stour in the place indicated by the behavior of the garment. In Isis Unveiled, I, 611, H. P. Blavatsky mentions some incidents of exactly the same nature in illustration of her points in regard to the actual existence of human "animal magnetism" as a definite substance, and of its power of affecting people beneficially or otherwise. It is no figure of speech, but something very active, though not the same kind of magnetism as that which is displayed by iron magnets.
Many persons feel uncomfortable under the gaze of a piercing eye, but not knowing that human magnetism can be projected through the eye are puzzled to explain the discomfort. Certain hypnotists use this method, and, it being generally disbelieved, the magnetizer can work much mischief. Psychology in the West has hardly touched the fringe of this subject. Until lately, water-divining was regarded by scientists and "commonsense" people as utter nonsense, but it is now admitted to the borderland of respectability. Several Governments give permanent employment to diviners. The fact that Discovery, a scientific magazine sponsored by a committee of eminent scientists, has dared to publish without unfavorable comment this Dedham case of divination by the magnetism of the drowned man's clothes, is a proof of the broadening of the scientific outlook. We cannot forget that Isis Unveiled has had a large and steady sale ever since it appeared in 1877, edition after edition being called for, the latest being the new volume of the Centennial Edition of H. P. Blavatsky's works. And Isis is not read by the frivolous but by real thinkers.
A considerable sensation has been aroused in Californian medical circles by the strange, seemingly occult powers of a thoroughly healthy boy, normal in all other respects. His name is Pat Marquis and he lives in Los Angeles. Very wisely, his mother has prohibited any public exploitation. He has exhibited his supernormal faculties only to scientific investigators. He recently gave 150 physicians including eye-specialists, an extraordinary demonstration at the Hollywood Hospital (not for the film studios!) and another before 200 physicians at a County Medical Association meeting. He has also appeared before distinguished professors at the famous California Technological Institute, Pasadena, and next year he is to go to England to be studied by the Royal College of Surgeons.
When his eyes were thoroughly blindfolded by specialists young Marquis entered into a semi-trance, and apparently became a different personality — an ancient Persian physician who calls himself "Napeji," a Parsi who lived in the Himalayas in the eleventh century a. d. In this state the boy displays clairvoyant powers of a most unusual type. Not only can he write and read, blindfolded, but he can walk with perfect confidence in strange places, draw good portraits, imitate gestures, select books from the shelves and point out any page or word required, and satisfy numerous other tests.
Though normally he does not know a word of Persian, he writes in that language in reply to questions from one of the investigating scientists, Dr. Ameen Fareed, a Persian himself, and a physician. Pat Marquis, in the character of "Napeji," can also write in Persian when Dr. Fareed is not present. He sometimes uses an archaic form of that language. He correctly describes Persian customs, and his manners are those of a very dignified personage, not at all those of a lively youngster of twelve. He has also made predictions that have come uncannily true. When asked technical questions about the seats of consciousness in the brain, "Napeji" replied in the language of a trained anatomist. Dr. C. Reynolds, F.R. C. S., who presented Pat Marquis to the Hollywood committee of physicians, said, "How he could know anatomy and modern medical terms is beyond me. Certainly the boy knows nothing of them." Pat says he has twice seen "Napeji" standing near him when he was perfectly awake. "Napeji" is exceedingly tall.
Since the writing of the above, another interesting report has been issued. After being completely blindfolded as before, and in the slight trance required, the boy, now in the personality of "Napeji," took up the foils in a fencing-bout with Mr. F. Cavens, an expert fencer. Pat Marquis knows nothing of fencing, but apparently "Napeji" is a master of the art, for Mr. Cavens said, "I know of no master of fencing in the world who could do it. The fact that he can see my point coming and parry, and not be deceived in his parry with the point menacing him, and make the correct retreat is remarkable. I defy any great expert to do it. It would be utterly impossible for me." Sixty seconds after the fencing-bout "Napeji" had disappeared and the laughing, healthy schoolboy had resumed his normal personality.
Surely we have at last something which cannot be scornfully ignored by the world of science, a tangible fact which psychologists must face, however disturbing to those who think the consciousness of the brain-cells explains our actions. It is not easy to explain by the convenient hypothesis of telepathy (which itself needs explaining). Is it not possible that traces of the personal consciousness of a previous incarnation in Persia, under the peculiar conditions of the partial trance, may step forward and take control of the new bodily vehicle in Los Angeles? This is not the only case of "sightless vision" that has come to light of late, and we may expect to see such things discussed more and more intelligently in the immediate future, because scientists are becoming bolder and not so fearful of losing caste if they participate in psychic investigations. Kuda Bux, the Indian Mohammedan fire-walker, has recently demonstrated the "sightless vision," and there are more examples ready at hand. Kuda Bux claims that he gained it by a simple form of yoga.
A few years ago, before H. P. Blavatsky gave her demonstrations and explanations of such things, all psychic phenomena were confidently attributed to the spirits of the departed; nowadays, in addition to this possibility in very rare cases, more satisfactory and scientific interpretations are demanded in order to explain the complexities, paradoxes, and unexpected difficulties which arise in psychic research. The bewildering conditions and the extraordinary illusionary power of the lower astral plane are hardly yet suspected by those ignorant of the Eastern teachings.