The Theosophical Forum – November 1947


Extracts from stenographic reports of "Mahatma Letters Group" at Covina conducted by A. L. Conger, using Margaret Conger's Combined Chronology along with The Mahatma Letters and the H. P. B. Letters to Mr. Sinnett.

Letter from K. H. to A. P. Sinnett, received October 19, 1880, No. II, pp. 6-10, under discussion:

Question — I am interested in the Master's use here of the word "Lodges" — "the whole truth about our Lodges and ourselves." [para. 3, p. 7]. He does not say Lodge, but Lodges. I am wondering if you can give us some explanation about this.

A. L. C. — Yes. Lodges that are mostly written about are in Tibet. It wouldn't do any good to go there, however, because you wouldn't get in! I think there is little doubt that the Lodges he refers to are not lodges of the Theosophical Society, but of the abiding places of the Mahatmas.

Question — K. H. makes a great deal here of the point of the "inner motive" of the candidate. If the aspirant is unconscious of even a shadow of desire for self-benefit, how can he eradicate it unless he is conscious of it?

A. L. C. — The candidate has through searching self-examination to ferret out his concealed motives, and then proceed to eradicate them.

Question — I would like to ask regarding this statement here "that one of us shall take the new body 'under his patronage' " [p. 8]. Does that mean that there is one particular one, or does it signify that they shall all work through just the same? I wish the Leader would say something in regard to that.

A. L. C. — I take it that Mr. Sinnett was over-choosey and fearful lest Mahatma K. H. would not be the direct contact between the Great White Lodge and the newly proposed Anglo-Indian body. Who does it refer to? It refers to one of the Masters. Sinnett wanted to have one Master, and that K. H., and no one else mixing in.

Question — I want to ask in reference to the Master's statement, fourth line from bottom of page 8: "Instead of going over to him he has to come to us." Does that imply a great spiritual chasm between us — how are we going to cross it?

A. L. C. — The Mahatma makes his meaning clear in another passage which I cannot refer to by page, but which is to this effect: The candidate will find that with every step he takes toward us, we will take a step toward him. Does that help any?

Question — Would you explain what is meant by the phrase "by having irrevocably pledged himself to our Association."

A. L. C. — This is one of those phrases where the meaning is not to be mistaken. I would suggest you read the whole sentence in which this phrase occurs, and then the next paragraph, and you will have the answer.

"More than that: unless he has reached that point in the path of occultism from which return is impossible, by his having irrevocably pledged himself to our association, we never — except in cases of utmost moment — visit him or even cross the threshold of his door in visible appearance.

"Is any of you so eager for knowledge and the beneficent powers it confers as to be ready to leave your world and come into ours. Then let him come; but he must not think to return until the seal of the mysteries has locked his lips even against the chances of his own weakness or indiscretion. Let him come by all means, as the pupil to the master, and without conditions; or let him wait, as so many others have, and be satisfied with such crumbs of knowledge as may fall in his way." pp. 8-9

Does not that answer your question?

Question — In a way. But I was thinking of the Pledge as something taken outwardly but inwardly too, and it being such a tremendously sacred thing.

A. L. C. — In a very real sense the Pledge of the E. S., as well as higher degrees, is the most sacred element in the esoteric teaching. What is meant by this is that the students in the E. S. are often worried about getting new instruction whereas if they would meditate on the pledge, they would find more occult secrets than are dreamed of by the average neophyte.

Question — Mr. Judge says there is an age-limit in regard to advancement. Could you explain this?

A. L. C. — Age has a great deal to do with it. According to Mr. Judge, 44 is the age limit for passing into the Sacred Precincts. However, it is possible for a man to gain the momentum necessary to cross the threshold without realizing the fact in his brain mind.

Question — I take it we are speaking of metaphysical precincts, or is that an actual place, Colonel?

A. L. C. — Take your choice. It is an actual place and also has a metaphysical interpretation.

Theosophical University Press Online Edition