

Gitte Bergstrom

You sit at your computer filled with figures and information about things you have devoted all your energy to examine, and you may wonder what to do with all this.

Take, then, a little quiet, concentrated leap up to the second or third story of your house of thought and look out —

You will see new perspectives, new combinations, which let you sense that you will miss what is essential if you go down again. Stay a while and see if something becomes clearer. If it does, grasp it firmly — and descend, to solve your problems by the sweat of your brow. You have used INTUITION.

You sit before another person whose incomprehensible sentences irritate, annoy, confuse you.

Study, then, that face and its unique appearance, and take a little quiet leap up to the third or fourth story of your house of thought and look out —

You may see the eyes mirroring the soul, and sense that you are about to miss the most essential in a relationship if you descend. Stay a while and see if you can interpret the symbols in the mirror. If you can, grasp the thought firmly — then descend, bowing humbly before a struggling fellow human being. You have gained the gift of INTUITION.

You sit before a long life's welter of seemingly meaningless puzzle of pieces and wonder what it all was good for. Then take a quiet leap up to the fifth or even sixth floor and look out from there —

Perhaps you sense that you will miss the most important thing of all if you descend again. Stay a while — and another while — and you may find a hint of a design in the confusion. Grasp it firmly — and descend, and cheerfully, even though with painful effort, assemble the loving picture of your life. You have won the noblest prize of INTUITION!

You sit among the mighty forces of life and wonder what it all is about — microcosm/macrocosm — the living throngs of little and of large.

Take a silent, forceful, yearning leap up to the seventh, eighth, ninth level of your thought edifice and look out from there —

Perhaps you will then see something that lets you understand that you are about to lose yourself if you go down again. Stay a long, long time . . . and you may see the striving for life in all things living. Grasp, then, your insight! and thereupon descend and begin to serve all things living in the best way you can. For then the WONDER OF INTUITION is fulfilled in you.

(From Sunrise magazine, April/May 1990; copyright © 1990 Theosophical University Press)

Theosophical University Press Online Edition