Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

- Sa -

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Sa, or Hea, Babylonian god II 5


Bedouins worship fire, light II 514n
beliefs of II 361-2
critics thought Nabatheans were II 452-3
Henoch (Enoch) of, origin of II 366
invoke Host of Heaven II 514n
Seth & Edris gave language to II 366
symbolic dance II 460-1


disfigured Chaldean remnant I 10, 320; II 453-6
Roman Catholicism & I 402
Schemal or Samael in I 417

Sabaeorum Foetum (Lat) [Sabean rubbish] Maimonides termed Nabathean literature II 455

Sabalasvas (Skt) [Sons of Daksha], dissuaded fr procreating II 275n

Sabao(th). See Tseba'oth

Sabasian [Sabazian] Mysteries

Epaphos or Dionysos in II 415
festival II 419
Serpent of Wisdom in II 416

Sabasius [Sabazios] (Gk) Bacchus, Dionysos or II 415, 419

Sabbath(s) I 407

eternal, or light of spirit I 481
generative Jehovah, moon or I 392
of Genesis & Puranas II 624
goat of Witches' II 510
Hesiod on II 603
Jewish, & lunar month I 387
means rest or nirvana I 240
not a day but equals seven days I 240
St Michael, Saturn & I 459
"Secret of Satan" on II 235
seven, & rounds, races (Leviticus) II 565 &n
seventh, end of seventh round I 240; II 491
various meanings of I 447; II 395, 747-8

Sabbatical Week & Year, cycles II 395

Sabda-Brahman (Skt) Sound-Brahman (Unmanifested Logos)

Avalokitesvara or Word I 428
Isvara called Verbum or I 137-8

Sabha, Mayasabha (Skt) [assembly hall], knowledge fr Atlanteans & the II 426

Sabines, rapes before the II 276

Sacea. See Sakas

Sacerdotal(ism). See also Senzar

castes & left-hand adepts II 503
Chaldean I 655n
Christian, lost key to cross II 560-1
college, Java-Aleim of II 215, 220
colleges & Sacred Island II 220
Egyptian II 432
hierarchy of Zuni Indians II 628-9
Theban, class I 311

Sacr. See Zakhar (Heb)

Sacrament(s, al) I 614-15n; II 467n

dogma of the seven, origin of I 310-11
loaf & serpent II 214
fr sacr, phallic symbol I 5n; II 467n

Sacra Scrittura. See Lanci, M. A.

Sacred. See also Mysteries

agnishvattas not devoid of, fire II 77-8
fire & the swastika II 101 &n
fire of later third race II 171
fires or Kabiri, kumaras II 106
number seven II 35
phallic origin of word I 5n; II 465 &n, 467
records of the East II 314
science, ancient origin in II 794
seven, islands (dvipas) II 326
spark given man II 95
tree on Babylonian cylinder II 104

Sacred Animals I 362

associated w Jehovah I 441-2n
of Christians I 363, 440-2 &n
emanated fr Divine Man I 89, 353
of Genesis 1 zodiacal signs II 112n
of Hebrews I 355
meaning of I 442
Mexican & Egyptian II 399n
plants change into I 238
refer to primordial forms I 442
of Zodiac I 92, 446n; II 23, 181n, 625n

Sacred Four

remain to serve mankind II 281-2
swastika emblem of II 587
Tetraktis or I 88, 99; II 621

Sacred Island(s) I 471; II 3, 637, 760-77. See also Gobi, Shamo Desert

Central Asian oasis today II 220, 503
instructors went to inhabit II 350
Isis Unveiled on I 209; II 220-2
Sambhala II 319
seven II 326, 349-50
"Sons of God" & II 209, 220-6
"war" betw initiates of, & sorcerers I 419

Sacred Land. See also North Pole

Imperishable II 6

Sacred Mysteries. See Mysteries

Sacred Mysteries . . . See Le Plongeon

Sacred Name II 126

biblical II 536
Hebrew I 385
Sanskrit & Hebrew I 78
seven letters of I 438-9

Sacred Numbers, Figures, Signs I 60, 66, 89, 114, 168, 384, 649; II 34-5, 57n, 410, 553, 580, 598-604, 622. See also Numbers

Sacred Planets

connected w Earth I 573n, 575; II 602n
four exoteric, three esoteric I 575
ruled by regents, gods I 152
seven, all septenary I 167
seven, only I 99-101, 152, 573n
Sun & Moon substitutes I 575 &n
why seven II 602 &n

Sacrifice(s, er, ial) I 276, 416, 422

animals or zodiacal signs II 625n
Atlanteans, to god of matter II 273
butter purified by II 101n
of Daksha II 68, 182-3
to elements by pagans, Jews, & Christians I 466
of fiery angels II 246
of four virgin men II 281-2
great, of self & Self I 268
great, of Wondrous Being I 208
for help like black magic I 415-16
"himself to himself" I 268; II 559
man a, animal to the gods I 446n
myths & divine ancient II 450
Narada on II 566-7
to Nemesis I 643
Parasara's, sorcery II 232n
pitris collectively the One II 605
Purusha's, for the universe II 606
to Queen of Heaven II 462
fr sacr, phallic symbol II 467n
self-, of nirmanakayas II 94
self-, of rebels II 243
triform II 527
Vedic ceremonial I 422-4
Yima his own II 609

Sacy, de. See Silvestre de Sacy

Sadaikarupa (Skt) essence, immutable nature II 46, 108

Saddharmalamkara (Skt), canon of Southern Buddhist Church I xxvii


angels rejected by II 61
guardians of laws I 320-1n; II 61, 472-3
high priests of Judea I 320-1n
most refined Israelite sect II 472-3
present generation of I xxii
spurned Pentateuch, Talmud I 320-1n
Zadokites or, fr Zadok II 541

Sadhu(s) (Skt) sage, saint

rakshasas are II 165n
third age, fr higher regions II 320

Sadhyas (Skt)

divine sacrificers, pitris II 605
one of twelve gods II 90

Sadic. See Tsaddiq

Sadu [Sedu], Chaldean spirits II 248n

Safekh (Egy), speaks to Seti I as Lunus I 228

Saga (Norse goddess)

ravens whisper past & future to I 443
sacred scrolls of II 283n

Sagara (Skt) name of ocean, Bay of Bengal II 572

Sagara, King

given Agneyastra weapon II 629
60,000 sons of II 570
sons of, personify passions II 571

Sagardagan. See Sakridagamin

Sagdiani [Sogdiana in Vendidad], Aryan magi emigrated to II 356

Sage(s). See also Adepts, Initiates

actualities visible to I xxxvi
fifth race, inherit fr forth II 636
great, disappear II 639
kriyasakti of II 181
Puranas & I 415-16, 423, 457
searching w their intellect II 176
seven primordial II 267n
silent on higher teachings II 589
Sons of Wisdom became II 167
spiritual dhyanis were II 167, 181-2, 267n
taught fifth race II 359
teachers, philosophers II 133
of third race I xliii
words of a, on past & present II 446

Saggitarius [Sagittarius], Joseph & I 651

Sah (Skt) "he," A-ham-sa or "I-am-he" I 78; II 465. See also Hamsa

Sahagun, Bernardino de, on seven families that accompanied Votan II 35

Sahara. See also Gobi

Atlantis fr, to Caribbean II 424
former sea of II eight-9n
Northwest Africa & II 793
ocean, continent, ocean, desert II 405
Quaternary sea washed basin of II 740
sea in Miocene (Crotch) II 405, 781-2, 787n
trilithic raised stones of II 346n

Saharaksha (Skt), fire of the asuras I 521

Saint. See given name (e.g., Paul, St)

Sainte-Claire Deville, Henri-Etienne

on chemical combinations I 544n
estimates sun's heat I 484n

St Elmo's Fire (Elmes in tx), aspect of all-pervading Archaeus I 338n

Saint-Germain, Count de I 611

Babylonia described by II 202
classed a charlatan II 156
had copy of Kabbala, Vatican Manuscript II 239
Manuscript left by II 202, 582, 583
on number seven II 582
on number 365 II 583

Saint-Hilaire. See Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire

St Marc, de, & changes in Pymander II 491-2

Saint-Martin, Louis Claude, Marquis de, astral light of Martinists I 348; II 409, 511, 513

St Petersburg, Russian mystics, Tibet & I xxxv-vi

St Prest, human & extinct animal remains of II 751

Saints, Rome filled w blood of II 231

St Vincent, Australians & Gulf of II 196n

St Yves d'Alveydre, Mission des Juifs, terms kali-yuga golden age I 470-1; II 549n

Sais (Egypt)

famous inscription at I 393
goddess Neith of I 399
Mysteries at, (Herodotus) II 395-6
priests of, describe Atlantis II 371, 743

Saitic Epoch (Egy)

Khnoum & lotus symbol in I 385
statue of Isis suckling Horus II 464

Saiva Puranas, kumaras as yogins in I 458; II 576

Saivas I 405, 456n, 458; II 576

vs Vaishnavas I 675

Saka (Skt), the One I 73

Saka-dvipa (Skt)

"beyond the saltwater" II 323
early Atlantis II 322
globe, locality, etc II 320-1, 404 &n
Lemurians, Atlanteans & II 584
Magas of, forefathers of Parsis II 323
yet to come II 404-5 &n

Sakas (Skt), Yudhishthira king of I 369

Sakkarah, Sothiac cycle inscriptions at I 435

Sakra (Skt) Indra I 376

Sakridagamin (Skt, Sagardagan in tx), grade of initiation I 206

Sakti(s) (Skt) generative power

Aditi, Eve & I 356
cow, woman or I 390 &n
daiviprakriti represents all six I 293
energy or, essence of trinity I 136
hierarchies of dhyani-chohans & I 293
Lakshmi (Venus) white side of II 579
Logos & I 473
science & six, of nature I 293
Shekhinah (fem) or I 618
six, described I 292-3

Saktidhara (Skt) [spear holder], Indra, Karttikeya II 382 &n, 619

Sakyamuni II 423. See also Buddha, Gautama

Sakya Thub-pa (Tib). See Buddha, Gautama

Sal, Mater, Sanguis II 113

"Saladin" [Stuart Ross], on Christ ascending & Sirius II 708n

Salagrama (Skt), a holy place II 321

Salamander(s) (reptiles)

giant II 352
man's saliva & venom of I 262n

Salamanders (fire elementals). See also Undines

derided today I 606

Salisbury Plain, hinging stones of II 343

Saliva, of man & cobra I 262n

Salmali-Dvipa (Skt) silk-cotton tree island II 320-1, 404 &n

Salt, crystals of, cones & pyramids II 594

Saltations (evolutionary jumps), scientists' & occultists' views on II 696-7

Salts, spirits of the II 114


egg symbol of I 367-8
personal god, damnation & I 613
Son of Righteousness & I 656
of spiritual humanity II 79, 281
story of Kwan-yin as I 471
Virgin as star of II 527-8
Vishnu & II 313

Salverte, Eusebe, Sciences occultes, winged serpents II 205

Samadhi (Skt) concentration, oneness

bodhi or I xix
Buddha in posture of II 339
jayas lost in II 90
man loses self in I 570
man quits body during II 569 &n
turiya, state or nirvana I 570

Samael (Heb). See also Satan

Angel of Death (Talmud) II 111, 385, 388
Cain generated by II 389
chief of demons in Talmud I 417; II 409
concealed wisdom or II 378
dark aspect of Logos II 216n
fall of, draws down Titans I 417
fell & caused man's fall II 112
god-name of one of the elohim I 417
Kin son of Eve by II 388
-Lilith, apes descend fr II 262
Lucifer-Venus abode of II 31
Satan or II 235, 378, 385, 388-9
seat of passion I 242
serpent of, kind of flying camel II 205
Simoom, Vritra or II 385
Uranides & I 417-18
will be dethroned II 420

Samana (Skt) same, equal, middle

discussed II 567-8
"at the navel" I 95

Samaria, giant race at II 755


alphabet of II 129, 581
disciples not to go to II 231n
pronounced Jehovah Jahe II 465

Samba (Skt) [reputed Son of Krishna] builds temple to Sun II 323

Sambhala (Skt, Shambhalah in tx)

heart of Earth beats under II 400
refuge of Lemurian elect II 319

Sambhuti (Skt), daughter of Daksha II 89

Samkhya. See Sankhya

Samnati (Skt), daughter of Daksha II 528


stature of II 332
sunken lands & II 222-4, 788

Samothrace (ian)

colonization of II three
Electria or II three
flood legends II 391
Hermes in Mysteries of II 362
Kabiri, Titan story taught in II 390
Mysteries II 3-4, 360n, 362
Noah story II 4-5
overflowed by Euxine II 4-5
rites on British island (Strabo) II 760
secret of fires in II 106
seven & forty-nine fires worshiped in II 362
volcanic origin of, (Decharme) II 391

Samuel, Books of (Bible)

David danced "uncovered" II 459-61
David lived w Tyrians II 541
David moved to number Israel II 387n
God hurled thunderbolts I 467
God riding wings of the wind I 466
Goliath six cubits tall II 336
Jehovah tempts King of Israel I 414

Samuel, Rabbi, on Adam, two faces, one person II 134n

Samvarta (Skt) a minor kalpa I 368; II 307n

Samvriti (Skt) false conception I 44 &n, 48 &n

Samvritisatya (Skt) [relative truth], only on this plane I 48 &n

Samyama (Skt), defined II 309-10n

Sana (Skt)

esoteric name of a kumara I 457
every kumara has, or sanat prefix I 459

Sanaischara (Skt) [slow moving], planet Saturn (Sani) I 459

Sanaka (Skt) I 457n; II 319

Axiokersos & II 106
exoteric name for a kumara I 457
one of four chief kumaras I 89, 372 &n
prototype of St Michael I 372 &n
refused to create I 372 &n; II 140n
visited Sveta-dvipa II 319, 584

Sanakadikas (Skt) seven kumaras visited White Island II 584

Sananda (Skt)

Axiokersa II 106
exoteric name for a kumara I 457
one of four chief kumaras I 89
refused to create II 584
visited Sveta-dvipa II 319, 584

Sanandana (Skt) I 457n

becomes kumara II 579
forced to incarnate in men II 176n
mind-born son II 140n, 579
one of the Vedhas II 78, 173, 176n
refused to create II 140n, 173, 176n

Sanat (Skt)

Adi-, primeval ancient I 98
"Ancient," title of Brahma I 459; II 625
every kumara has, or sana prefix I 459

Sanatana (Skt) eternal, primeval

Camillus II 106
exoteric name of a kumara I 457
a kumara I 457n; II 319

Sanat-kumara (Skt) eternal youth

Aschieros II 106
exoteric name of a kumara I 457
mind-born son of Prajapati II 140n
one of four chief kumaras I 89
refused to create I 457-8n; II 140n, 584
visited Sveta-dvipa II 319, 584

Sanat-sujata (Skt)

called Ambhamsi I 460
chief of the kumaras I 459-60
esoteric name of a kumara I 457
mind-born son of Prajapati II 140n
prototype of Mikael (Michael) I 459

Sanatsujatiya (Skt) sattva is antahkarana, buddhi I 68-9n

Sancha-Dvipa. See Sankha-Dvipa

Sanchoniathon (Phoenician historian)

——— Cosmogony
Aletae or Titans II 141-2, 142n, 361
animated stones of II 342
Atlanteans II 761
birth of universe by I 340
copied older documents II 440n
disfigured by Eusebius II 692-3
Javo, Jevo II 129, 465
Kabiri sons of Sydic II 392-3
Lemuria, Atlantis confused in II 768
Phoenician El Elion II 380
pothos, desire to create I 110
record of Phoenician religion II 692-3
"time the oldest Aeon" II 490n

Sanctuary. See also Adytum, Sanctum

"Anointed" entrusted w key of II 234
arts & sciences preserved in II 572
Egyptian II 432
Hellenic II seven
Holy of Holies II 234
Plato & veiled language of II 395
unbroken traditions & records of II 443
womb of nature II 234

Sanctum Sanctorum. See also Holy of Holies

curtain of, & elements I 462
discussed II 459-74
Holy of Holies, Adytum or II 459, 460
stooping at entrance to II 470
Williams approaches, of occult I 585
womb & I 382

Sand, figures of, on vibrating plate I 112n

Sandhi(s) [Samdhi] (Skt) junction. See also Sandhya, Sandhyamsa

intervals between manus II 70

Sandhya [Samdhya] (Skt) dawn or evening, twilight. See also Sandhi, Sandhyamsa

boker (Hebrew) II 252n
Brahma's body became II 60
Brahma's twilight I 206, 431, 530
described II 58, 308n
during, central sun passive II 239
interval preceding any yuga II 308n
laws of motion designed in I 529-30
one-tenth of age it precedes II 308n
period of, symb in swastika II 587
Vach or, Brahma's daughter I 431

Sandhyamsa [Samdhyamsa] (Skt) interval following any yuga II 308n

Sands, the spirit of I 217

Sandwich Islands II 223-4, 788

Sangbai-dag-po (Tib) [concealed lord], one merged w Absolute I 52

Sanguis, Sal, Mater (chart) II 113

Sangye Khado (Buddha Dakini in Skt) chief of Liliths II 285

Sanhedrin. See also Talmud

two thaumaturgists I xliii n

Sani (Skt) Saturn I 459

fourth race, globe under II 29

Sanjana, D. D. P.

ignores Zoroastrian incongruities II 758
translated Geiger's Civilization II 758n

Sanjna, Samjna (Skt)

example of chhaya-birth II 174
leaves chhaya w husband II 101, 174

Sankara, Samkara (Skt) blessed

a name of Siva I 286; II 498
one of three hypostases I 18, 286

Sankaracharya, Samkaracharya, Sankara, Samkara (Skt) Hindu avatara

abandoning illusive body I 570
Buddha &, closely connected II 637
Buddha's successor I xliv
Buddhism & I 47 &n
fire-deity presides over time I 86
greatest historical initiate I 86, 271
Isvara & atma in I 573-4
on knowledge of Absolute Spirit I six
Moon, Sun, mind II 639n
one of the greatest minds I 522
paraguru of I 457n
sattva I 68n
secret wisdom taught by I 539n
on the sheaths I 570 &n
some treatises of, kept secret I 271
spirit & non-spirit I 573
termed a 6th rounder I 162
"THIS" explained by I 7

——— Viveka-chudamani ("Crest-Jewel of Wisdom") I 569-70, 573-4

Sankha-Dvipa (Skt, Sancha Dwipa in tx)

existed in Puranic times II 407
Hindu version Plato's Atlantis II 405-8

Sankhasura (Skt) [Indian king], described II 405, 407, 408

Sankhya, or Samkhya (Skt) school of philosophy

beings born fr elements I 284
on intellectual creation I 456
Kapila founder of I 284; II 42, 571-2
man is spirit, matter II 42
a most perfect philosophical system II 253
pradhana as a cause I 55
pradhana in I 256 &n, 370n
purusha impotent I 247
seven prakritis in I 256n, 335
written down by last Kapila II 572

Sankhya-Karika (Skt)

kumaras (Vaidhatra) I 457n
Pratyayasarga Creation I 456
seven prakritis I 256n, 335

Sankhya-Sara (Skt) Mahat first appears as Vishnu I 75

Sannaddha [Samnaddha] (Skt) one of seven mystic solar rays I 515n

Sanskrit [Samskrita] (language)

Ahura (Persian) is Asura in II 608
Babylonia seat of, learning I xxxi
decimal notation fr I 360-1
disappearance of, works I xxxiv
every letter has cause, effect I 94
first lang of fifth race I 23; II 200, 204
influence on Hebrew II 130
invented by Brahmans (Stewart) II 442
language of the gods I 269
monads of Leibniz found in I 623
mother of Greek II 200
manuscript on astronomy II 551
Mystery tongue II 200
names used, not Senzar I 23
not spoken by Atlanteans I 23
once called Greek dialect I xxxviii
origin of, & Hebrew I 73
origin of, (Jacolliot) II 222
primordial creation in I 450-1, 454
Dayananda Sarasvati authority on I xxx; II 214n
Semitic languages fr II 200
words have concealed meaning I 78; II 576-7
works, Atlantis & Lemuria in II 326

Sanskrit Dictionary. See Goldstucker, T.


criticized I 456n, 647; II 50, 225, 450, 567, 585, 629
ignorant of inner meanings I xxi-ii; II 451
Dayananda Sarasvati greatest, of his day I xxx; II 214

Sanskrit Literature, Hist. of. See Muller, F. M.

Santhathi [Santati] (Skt) [progeny, lineage], each race the, of a manu II 140n

Saoshyant (Zor, Soshiosh in tx) Persian version of Kalki avatara I 87; II 420

Sap. [Liber sapientiae]. See Book of [the] Wisdom of Solomon

Saphar (Heb). See Sephar

Sapta (Skt) [seven], four take on three becomes (Stanzas) I 71

Saptaloka (Skt) [seven worlds], Earth globes, Hades to Hindu II 234

Saptaparna (Skt) seven-leaved

born fr soil of mystery II 574
cave & Buddhist initiations I xx
man-plant I 200, 236; II 574, 590-1
seven principles or I 236

Saptarshi(s) (Skt) Seven Rishis

angels, spirits & I 198
constellation II 89n
described I 436-7; II 318n, 549-50
given various names I 436
kali-yuga & I 407; II 549, 631
seven Aeons & I 442

Sapta-Samudras (Skt) seven oceans

minor gods fashion chaos into II 704n
symbolize seven gunas I 348

Saptasurya (Skt), & kabbalistic seven Suns of Life II 239

Saqquarah Bronzes, Saitic Epoch I 367n

Sar (Bab), or circle I 114

Sarah, Sarai (Heb) Abraham's wife

Moon cycle & II 76-7
parallel story in Puranas II 174-6
tempted Pharaoh I 422; II 174
womb, Eve or II 472

Sarama, Sarameyas (Skt) related to Greek Hermes-Sarameyas II 28

Saraph, Seraphim (Heb)

angels, archons, etc I 363, 604
architects or I 16 &n
brazen, fiery serpents I 364n
cherubim same esoterically II 501
Christian sacred animal I 363
copy of ancient prototype I 92
defined II 63, 501
fiery serpents I 126, 364n, 442; II 212n, 387n
Hindu sarpa or II 501
knew well, loved more II 243
"know most" (Jennings) II 238n
Lucifer, Satan or II 243
-Mehopheph II 206n
Moses builds brazen II 387 &n
one of the Holy Four I 92
rule over nineth world (Syrian) I 435
St Michael called II 479-80
six wings of II 387n
three in Sepher Jezirah I 92
winged wheels, avengers I 126

Sarasvati (Skt)

dwelt between prana & apana I 95
goddess of hidden wisdom II 199n
goddess of speech I 95
universal soul I 352-3
wife of Brahma II 76n, 77

Saraswati, Dayanand. See Dayananda

Sarcode (protoplasm)

of Haeckel's monera I 542
name given by Beaumetz II 153n


baptismal font, not corn bin I 317n
of giants at Carthage II 278
Gnostic, of Porta Pia I 410
initiation II 462, 558
meant regeneration II 470
symbolic of female principle II 462
symbol of resurrection II 459-60
unit of measure (Smyth) I 317n

Sardinia(n), tombs, nuraghi in II 352, 752

Sargon, King

conquered Babylon II 691
Moses' story fr I 319 &n; II 428, 691

Sarira (Skt)

attribute I 59n
body or form I 334-5, 522

Sarisripa (Skt) any creeping animal

insects & small lives II 52
moneron of Haeckel & II 185

Sarku (Bab), light race II 5

Saros(es) (Chald) cycle

Berosus on I 655n
circle symbol & I 114
each, equals six naroses I 655n
smaller cycles within I 641

Sarpa (Skt) serpent

derivation of word II 181-2n
differ fr nagas II 182n, 501 &n
flying II 183
produced fr Brahma's hair II 181-2

Sarpa-Rajni (Skt) [queen of serpents], Earth or I 74; II 47

Sarvaga (Skt) all-permeant

soul-substance of world I 582
supreme soul is I 451

Sarva-mandala (Skt) Egg of Brahma or I 257, 373

Sarva-medha (Skt) [sacrifice], Visvakarman performed II 605

Sarvatma (Skt) [all self], Seven Lords lie hidden in I 90

Sarvavasu (Skt) [sunbeam], one of seven mystic solar rays I 515n

Sarvesa (Skt) [lord of all], devoid of name, species, body I 373

Sastra (Skt) [edged weapon], not Astra or fiery II 629n

Sastra-devatas (Skt) gods of divine weapons II 629

Sat (Skt). See also All, Boundless, That

absolute Non-Entity I 143n
asat &, key to Aryan wisdom II 449-50
Be-ness, Reality or I 14-17; II 310
immutable eternal root II 449
manifested things cannot be I 119-20
One ever-hidden or I 542
Parabrahman the esoteric II 58
threshold to world of truth I 119
unconditioned reality I 69
Universal Soul or II 58
universe, Divine Thought I 61
unknowable absoluteness of I 556
unmanifested I 289

Sat or Thoth, Seth, the later Sat-an II 530

Sata(s) (Skt) [hundred(s)], Vedas into, of branches II 483

Satan (satan, Heb) adversary II 231-9, 337-90. See also Adversary, Angels, Asuras, Devils, Fallen Angels, Lucifer

adversary to Jehovah II 243
agent of karma II 478
Angel of Death same as II 385
angel of God II 477
anointed identified w II 234
anthropomorphized I 412; II 507
Atlanteans prototypes of II 272
Baissac on II 245-6, 509
became a fallen angel I 194-5; II 506
became a savior I 193
Cain generated by II 389
Celestial Pole as II 358
Christ & Antichrist I 612
creator of Divine Man I 193
derivation of word II 387
Deus inversus I 411-24
door keeper II 233
as dragon crushed by Virgin I 403
dragon of wisdom miscalled II 94n, 234
Ea disfigured into Thallath or II 61
esoteric view of II 233-6
Fallen Angel II 60, 229n, 475-505, 489, 515
father of spiritual mankind II 243
fell as lightning fr heaven II 231 &n
fifth class of demons II 389n
a Frankenstein monster II 508
God forbids cursing II 477
God in Talmud II 478
God in the manifested world II 235
god of wisdom II 237, 530
Hermes or II 380
highest divine spirit II 377
horns, cloven foot, claws of II 230, 507
Jehovah &, one II 387n
Jehovah upside down II 510
killed by Michael, St George II 385
King of Darkness II 509n
kumaras degraded into I 458
Levi on II 238n, 506-7
Logos firstborn brother of II 162
Lucifer &, is our mind II 513
Lucifer or II 30-1, 111, 230-1, 243, 283n
made grotesque by theology II 476, 508
made terrestrial man divine I 198
magistrate of karma II 234
Manichaeans on II 509n
manifested, bound, fallen II 235
Merodach or II 53
Milton on II 484
"Monkey of God" II 476
no reality to II 209
Ophiomorphos or II 244, 389
origin of pagan saviors II 482
personification of abstract evil II 478
plagiarist by anticipation II 476
Pleroma & II 506-18
prince of pre-Adamic world I 324
pure spirit originally I 413
reality to Roman Catholics II 510
rebellious angel I 193-4, 196
refused to create I 193-4
scapegoat for God's blunders I 412
scholiasts impose belief in II 776-7
secret of II 235
seducing serpent II 111
serpent (Genesis) not II 388
shadow of God II 510
Shamael [Samael] the supposed II 205
slandered by theologians I 415
Son of God [Job] I 412, 414, 422n; II 376, 378, 477, 489
stood up against Israel II 387n
tempter & redeemer II 513
tempts David to number people I 414
thou shalt not revile II 477-8
Venus-Lucifer or II 30-1, 45n
"War in Heaven" II 62-3
wisest of gods, archangels II 60

Satanians, sect of, degraded II 389

Satanic I 222, 325; II 228, 341, 390n, 482, 641


hypnotism will soon become II 641
of idols (de Mirville) II 341

Satan ou le diable. See Baissac, J.

Satapatha Brahmana (Skt)

Brahma created thru daughter I 431
Brahman radiated gods, rests I 447
fourteen precious things I 67n
Ida (Ila) II 138, 140, 147-8
Kasyapa, account of II 253
no life after Flood II 146
Sarva-medha ceremony II 605
Seven Rishis in I 436

Satarupa (Skt) hundred-formed

daughter, wife of Brahma I 431
Vach is named I 94; II 128

Satellite(s). See also Moon(s)

Jupiter's, denser than planet I 593; II 137n
Mars has no right to its I 165
Mercury, Venus have no I 155n; II 32
Moon, of Earth physically I 180
of Neptune, Uranus, retrograde I 149-50n, 575, 593
planes of Neptune, Uranus, tilted I 101
theories of origin of I 596-7

Sati (Egy), triadic goddess I 367n

Satires. See Horace

Satta (Skt) [sole existence], Supreme Spirit is, in pralaya I 373

Sattapanni (Pali) Cave (in Mahavamsa), Buddhist initiations at I xx

Sattva (Skt) purity, truth

dual monad or I 69n
one of the triguna I 348
quietude I 335n
rajas & tamas I 348, 535
understanding or antahkarana I 68n

Saturday, Saturn's day I 652

Saturn (god). See also Kronos, Saturn-Kronos

Agruerus, Kronos are II 142n, 341n
ate his progeny I 674n
Dagon, Kronos [Vallencey] I 642n
fr duration became limited I 418
Egypt, Greece, Phoenicia fr II 768
father of the gods I 418, 449n
god of time II 390n
Golden Age of II 372-3, 421, 777
Jewish Moon-god II 63
Kronos, & Noah II 391-2
Kronos or, governed Lemurians II 765
Kronos-Sadic & II 360n
Lemuria or kingdom of II 765, 768, 777
Plato's Golden Age under II 264
Sabaoth, Israel & I 576
samothracian mysteries & II 360n, 391
serpent swallowing tail not I 253n
swallows Jupiter lapis II 341 &n

Saturn (planet)

building of Earth & II 23
conditions on II 137n
conjunction of planets & I 656, 662; II 63
evil-eyed, the dark II 29
fourth human group under II 29
Ialdabaoth-Jehovah genius of I 577n; II 538 &n
Jehovah &, glyphically same I 417, 578
Jews evolved under II 127
Mars, Jupiter, conjunction w, rare I 656
Moon, Jupiter &, high triad II 462
Moon, Qu-tamy & II 453, 455
nations born under I 577
polar compression of Mercury & I 593
psychic relation to Earth I 575
rings of II 235
"ruler" of I 435, 459
Sanaischara is I 459
Satan astronomically II 235
septenary chain I 153
Uranus more dense than I 593

Saturn (Seventh world of Syrians) thrones rule over I 435

Saturnine. See also Hyperborean

cradle of race became II 777
great sea north of Asia called II 777n

Saturn-Kronos. See also Kronos, Saturn

Rudra-Siva is II 502n
Samael, Schemal symbolic of I 417
Third Race Titans & II 766
Titans as, mutilated Uranos II 766

Satya (Skt)

absolute being or esse I 48n
unconditioned reality I 69

Satya-loka (Skt), one of seven II 321

"Satyan nasti paro dharmah" (Skt) ["There is no religion higher than truth"], motto of The Theosophical Society I xli; II 798

Satyas (Skt), one of twelve gods II 90

Satya-Yuga, or Krita-Yuga (Skt) II 308n. See also Golden Age

always the first age I 377
astronomical signs for beginning of I 378
Eden or II 493
fifth race in, when Atlantis sank II 147n
first flood at end of II 146
Kapila of, a generic name II 572
length of II 69
manus & I 235n
occurs in Bharata (Varsha) II 322
Ocean of Milk & I 67-8
separation ended, of third race II 201
sixth race will be in II 147n
third root-race & II 520n
Vishnu as Kapila gives wisdom in II 483
"Watchers" & I 266


Church Fathers "saw" II 755
described (Commentaries) II 287
extinct race animal-men II 262
nephilim later made into II 755, 775
symbol of Atlantean bestiality II 775


armies of, scattered I 467
divination by II 455


flying II 219, 258
genesis of II 151, 205
ibis saves Egypt fr I 362
third eye developed in II 299n


abject, explained II 744
ancestors are serpents, belief of I 404
anthropoid fr, (Haeckel) II 171
Aryans & II 421n
civilized &, races side by side II 317-18, 522, 716-17, 722-3
complicated mythology, customs of II 721
do not imitate apes II 676n
Ice Age immigration of II 738n
of India II 676
inferiority of II 249n, 421n
latest human monads II 168
may be old, relapsed races II 721-2
moral discernment of I 423
Paleolithic, & civilized man II 317, 686n, 716
primeval, never existed II 722
some of third race were II 318
sterility in crossings w II 195
superior & inferior, discussed II 425
there have been, in all ages II 715

Savagery, isolation brings on II 426

Savahi (Pers), globe F, Earth chain II 759

Savarna (Skt) mother of the Prachetases II 578

Savarna, Savarni (Skt) Seed-Manu, glode G, fourth round II 309

Savior(s) II 222

Agathodaemon, the Gnostic II 458
Chenresi called II 179
Christian, & Taurus I 656
cyclic II 415
holy seed-grain of future II 173
last, will be fr Sacred Island II 350
man his own I 644
mind is our II 513
no new, in Black Age I 470
periodical births of world I 657
personified in Prometheus II 411
Pisces symbol of I 653
rakshasas future, of humanity II 163
rebels are our II 103
Satan a I 193; II 243
satanic origin of pagan, (Sepp) II 482
spiritual Sun sends forth I 638
Vaivasvata, of our race II 140-1

Savitri (Skt), Vach or, mother of gods II 128

Saxon (races) God of, fr Hebrew yodh or jod I 347

Sayana (Skt) commentator on Rig-Veda

makes Ila goddess of Earth II 138
makes Mania goddess of Earth II 143

Sayce, Archibald Henry

——— Hibbert Lectures . . .
Babylonian astronomers II 693
Babylonian religion II 691
beneficent, maleficent gods II 477
on Chaldean chronology I 320n
Damti [Tamtu] the sea II 463
Eridu foreign city II 203
Eridu, Tel'loh II 226, 693
evil servant of good II 477
gods of Chaldea II 248n
library at Nineveh II 692
Moon created monsters II 115
Nebo, god of wisdom II 456
"Observations of Bel" II 693
Sargon, Akkad, library II 691
seven Kings II 2
statues at Tel'loh II 692-3
two creations II 54

Theosophical University Press Online Edition